Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
If fail to cancel your appointment at least 12 hours in advance, or you do not show for your appointment; you will be charged the FULL PRICE of the scheduled session.
Saturday appointments must be made by phone IN ADVANCE before we close on Friday. Please call the store @ 214.716.0810
To schedule a Tan Van Appointment, please call @ 214.213.7409
If you have forgotten your password, please click the "forgot password" link and you will be prompted to use a recovery method. Once selected, you will receive instructions on how to reset your password.